How to Find the Right Therapist For You

If you or a loved one is in need of a therapist, you must learn how to choose the correct one. When choosing a therapist, one should consider what they wish to gain from therapy. Additionally, before beginning therapy individuals should learn how to get the most out of their therapy sessions. Continue reading to learn how to choose the right therapist, get the most out of your counseling sessions, and evaluate your treatment progress.

Why Therapy and Counseling Are Beneficial

For individuals with emotional or mental issues, therapy is an effective form of treatment. Oftentimes, simply talking about your feelings and thoughts with a professional can make you feel better. Similarly, some individuals find relief from confiding in friends or loved ones about their emotional struggles. However, sometimes individuals require a professional and unbiased point of view. As a result, attending professional therapy and counseling is extremely beneficial.

Also, it is important to note that individuals do not have to be diagnosed with a mental illness to benefit from therapy. In fact, many people attend therapy for everyday concerns. For example, therapy can help treat relationship issues, job stress, or self-doubt. Others turn to therapy in times of difficulty, such as during a divorce. Whatever form of emotional stress you are dealing with, therapy can help. However, it is important to choose the right therapist. To explain, good therapists are someone you trust, make you feel cared for, and holds the experience to help you make positive changes in your life.

Common Myths About Therapy

MYTH: I don’t need a therapist. I can handle my problems on my own. 

FACT: While everyone is capable of dealing with their issues internally, sometimes people benefit from an unbiased and subjective look concerning their problems. Good therapists do not tell you how to live your life, rather they help you gain outside perspective and experience that allows you to better manage your choices.

MYTH: Therapy is for crazy people.

FACT: Therapy is a tool that allows individuals to gain insight and self-awareness on issues that they struggle with. In fact, individuals who seek therapy display a level of self-awareness that suggests they are not crazy.

MYTH: Therapy is for weak people who complain about their lives.

FACT: Because therapy is hard work, complaining will not get you far. In fact, individuals who attend therapy are less likely to complain about their lives, as they learn vital coping mechanisms that allow them to focus on the bright side. Additionally, individuals who attend therapy are strong, as they are willing to accept that they need help and work towards positive change.

How To Find the Right Therapist For You

Finding the right therapist typically takes time and work. However, the results will be worth the effort in the long run. Individuals need a therapist they can trust and talk to openly about intimate aspects of their lives. Additionally, your therapist should be a partner in your recovery. Unfortunately, therapy is not effective unless the patient has this bond. When choosing a therapist, you must consider their experience, credentials, and what form of therapist they use. In conclusion, individuals seeking therapy should shop around and ask potential therapists questions before making a decision.

Questions to ask yourself when choosing a therapist:

  • Does the therapist seem to truly care about my problems?
  • Does the therapist understand me?
  • Do I feel comfortable disclosing personal information with this therapist?
  • Does the therapist accept me for who I am?
  • Is this therapist a good listener?
  • Does this therapist make me feel heard and pick up on my feelings?
  • Does he or she listen without interrupting, criticizing, or judging?

How to Make the Most of Therapy and Counseling

To make the most out of therapy, you must apply what you learn in counseling to real life. Here are some tips for getting the most out of your therapy sessions.

Healthy Lifestyle Changes

In order to support your mood and overall health, you must make healthy lifestyle changes while attending therapy. For example, reach out to others for support, get daily exercise, stick to a healthy sleep routine, eat healthily, and make time for self-care.

Do Not Solely Rely On Your Therapist’s Direction

While individuals should always listen to their therapist’s suggestions, they should not expect their therapist to tell them what to do. Only you can make the changes necessary to move forward in your recovery.

Commit To Your Recovery

Individuals should never skip sessions unless it is necessary. If your therapist gives you homework in between sessions, always make sure to take it seriously. If you begin to feel reluctant to go to therapy or complete homework and lessons, ask yourself why. Talk with your therapist about your reluctance to continue moving forward in your recovery.

Be Honest About Your Feelings

Individuals who are open and honest about their feelings get the most out of their sessions. If you feel embarrassed to discuss a specific issue, be honest with your therapist. You and your therapist can work together on becoming more comfortable with each other.

Evaluating Your Progress in Therapy

Your therapist will work with you to reevaluate your goals and progress in therapy as necessary. However, it is important to remember that therapy is not a competition. To explain, never feel ashamed if you do not meet your goals in the number of sessions you originally planned for. Oftentimes, recovery in therapy is a long process, as individuals may uncover additional issues they must work out. Instead of focusing on the negative, focus on your overall progress and what you have learned during counseling.

Questions to evaluate your progress in therapy:

  • Is your life changing for the better? Look at different parts of your life: work, home, your social life.
  • Are you meeting the goals you and your therapist have set?
  • Is therapy challenging you?
  • Do you feel like you’re starting to understand yourself better?
  • Do you feel more confident and empowered?
  • Are your relationships improving?

Find a Therapist That is Right For You

Finding the correct therapist may be a lengthy and time-consuming task. However, the results will prove that your effort has been worth it. If you or a loved one need help to find a therapist, Voices of Mental Health is here to assist you. Contact us at 866-954-6841 to speak to a professional about all of your therapy options

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